To all our wonderful clients,
As we are sure you are aware, one of the big issues facing our planet is the question of sustainability, and as a company we have been wanting to play our part in this for some time.
We at KH Hair in Nottingham are on a mission to salon sustainability and we are delighted to announce our partnership with environmental service Green Salon Collective, to make all our salons more ethical and responsible than ever before with our salon waste.
A £1.00 contribution will be added to your fee to support this initiative.
Did you know that according to a study at Southampton University, 99% of salon foil ends up in landfill? But by partnering with Green Salon Collective, 100% of our foil will be recycled. They can even raise money from this process and these profits go towards charities and good causes across the UK & Ireland.
Your hair can even be recycled too! Green Salon Collective are working on hair boom and mat projects that could see your hair soaking up an oil spill, and they will also be using it for gardening and composting too.
To join Green Salon Collective, we’ve decided to add a £1 “green fee” to each client visit. So now when you see us in the salon, you’ll also be helping us save our planet too!
All of us sincerely hope you agree with this incredibly important and moral decision we have made, and if you have any further questions please feel free to contact us at
Green Salon Collective was founded by environmental experts, hairdressers & eco campaigners, and they are the original authority on salon sustainability throughout the UK and Ireland wide. Launched in July 2020, GSC has already partnered with industry leading names and icons such as WELLA Professionals.
GSC enables salons to become more sustainable, ethical businesses via their recycling, education & accreditation offerings, and in the space of just their first 6 months (Jul–Dec 2020) they have helped keep the following away from landfill:
Recovered over 400 kilograms of hair which will be used towards cleaning our waterways and help with gardening composting projects.
Recycled over 2.3 tonnes of used foil and colour tubes.
Recovered and recycled over 230 litres of leftover colour and bleach, plus over 200 kilograms of PPE & Plastic.
In addition, all of the profits raised from the commodity sale of these recycling processes have helped support local charities such as Haircuts4Homeless.
GSC provide salons with a service to recycle the traditionally impossible to recycle items such as hair, foil, chemicals and colour tubes. GSC also offer a full plastic, PPE & paper recovery service.